Invisible Disabilities and Dyslexia
Written by Sydney Brett in her own unedited words.
Ever since I was younger I was just like any other little kid diagnosed with dyslexia at a very young age. Because of my dyslexia I got bullied by not only my peers but even a few special education teachers as well, who compared me to animals, saying their pets were smarter than me. For a very long time I doubted myself and did not think I was smart, but over time I realized that I am smart and having dyslexia just means my brain works differently and maybe a little slower than someone else's. I also learned many kids with dyslexia are very intelligent. For middle school I went to a school which specialized in teaching kids with learning disabilities and I was able to learn the way I needed to be taught. By going to that school I was able to grow as a person and as a student. I am now back in my districts High School and doing quite well I made the National Honor Society! I think I am breaking barrier and proving that I am enough and people with dyslexia can do anything just like others. My motto is that yes I have dyslexia, but that does not define me, I get good grades, I am intelligent and I want to be the voice for children living with invisible disabilities.