What is Dyslexia?


1 in 5 students are dyslexic. What does that mean for you? Dyslexia means that your brain processes information differently. You can best explain this by telling people that dyslexia is a brain wiring difference and that you show your smarts in unique ways. Don’t know if you have dyslexia? Take the Dyslexia Screener Quiz with a parent today!

The Big Picture movie logoWatch This: Here is a good explanation of the strengths and challenges of dyslexia from Dr. Sally Shaywitz in "The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia."

Personal Journeys

Click in to see students share their personal journeys while growing up with dyslexia.

Student Reflections

More Stuff

We've put together some cool resources to help you explain dyslexia to those who might not always understand - like teachers, family members or friends.

Bright Idea: Print out a copy of each to share!